Sex Scenes In Media

8 08 2010

I know that BY FAR I am not the first person to talk about sex scenes in movies (or books, or shows), and I’m sure I won’t be the last, either. But I love movies, and I love a good sex scene, and since this is my blog and I can talk about whatever I want, by god, I WILL, even if it’s been covered by a thousand people before me.

So I was in the shower, and I was thinking about tits… stop me if you’ve heard this one before. (If you read any of my other blogs, you’ll recognize that as the starting line of tonight’s post on my horror blog.) I was specifically thinking about tits in horror movies, and of adding a new weekly feature to that blog centering around said topic, and this is where my blogging lines start to blur. It’s got tits (and ass, and wang), so maybe it would be better to feature it here. But it’s primarily going to focus on HORROR media, which makes it possibly more appropriate for my horror blog. I just don’t know! Rather than repeat myself in two places on the internet (that’s TRUE horror, after all), I figured I’d start a similar weekly feature over here, and highlight sex scenes that I encounter in various forms of media over the week. Sex-Scene Sunday?

I cannot POSSIBLY express how happy it makes me that this is the second image result when you Google “sex scenes in movies”. FAN. TAS. TIC. And I say that with no sarcasm whatsoever.

I tried to think of some examples to kick off this post, and honestly my brain went totally blank. I know there are a million of them out there, and instead of something GOOD, do you know what invaded my mind and wouldn’t let go? The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. Haven’t seen it? Don’t bother. My husband and I watched it at the behest of a good friend who insisted that it was the most AMAZING movie she’d ever seen (we’re still wondering what she was smoking). It was a pretty torturous art-house flick, but we stuck it out through the end. Some years down the road, I honestly couldn’t tell you exactly what the movie is about or what the point of it is (though I do believe I recall a good amount of nudity and sex scenes; it is, after all, an ARTSY film). I CAN, however, tell you about the end of the movie in excruciating detail, as it is burned into my brain forever and always. The thief, in a fit of rage, manages to get a hold of his wife’s lover and kill him. The wife, finding her dead lover, convinces the cook to, well, cook his body, and forces her husband to eat it before she kills him. “Try the cock,” she says in a half-teasing, half-threatening voice. “It’s a delicacy.”

(I’ve found the scene here. The fully cooked cadaver (with aforementioned DELICACY on full display) is a thing of horrific wonder; while not a horror film in and of itself, I may have to feature this scene on Wang Wednesdays over at my horror blog.)

SO! Now that we’re all feeling good and sexy, what are some of your favorite sex scenes in media?

(By the by, I thought of something else as I was in the midst of typing this post. The documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated, a most interesting discourse on how the MPAA chooses to assign ratings to films, unsurprisingly covers an astounding amount of sex in movies. There were movies with THRUST COUNTS, for god’s sake. It’s as good a place as any to start if you’re looking for sex scenes in abundance. And it was a fairly interesting documentary, too.)